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January -> Every Day is a Holiday...

This January everyday is a holiday starting on day one which is New Year's Day. This is the day where most people make their New year's resolutions and by the end of the month at least half those people have forgotten all about the resolutions.

We also have monthly celebrations which are the following:
  • National Bath Safety Month
  • National Blood Donor Month
  • National Braille Literacy Month
  • National Hobby Month
  • Hot Tea Month
  • National Oatmeal Month
  • National Soup Month
    January is National Soup Month
Here is the list of Special and Wacky Days for January:
1   New Year's Day
2   Run up the Flagpole and See if Anyone salutes day
3   Festival of Sleep Day
3   Fruitcake Toss Day
3   Humiliation Day
4   Trivia Day
5   National Bird Day
6   Cuddle Up Day
7   Old Rock Day
8   Bubble Bath Day
8   Male Watcher's Day
9   Play God Day
10 Houseplant Appreciation Day
10 Peculiar People Day
11 Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friend day
12 Feast of Fabulous Wild Men Day
12 national Pharmacist Day
13 International Skeptics Day
13 Make your Dream Come True Day
14 Dress Up Your Pet Day
15 National Hat Day
16 Appreciate a Dragon Day
16 National Nothing Day
17 Ditch New Years Resolutions Day
18 Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday (celebrated on the 3rd Monday)

18 Thesaurus Day
18 Winnie the Pooh Day (Birthday of author A. A. Milne)
19 National Popcorn Day
20 National Buttercrunch Day
20 Penguin Awareness Day
Penguin Awareness Day

21 National Hugging Day
21 Squirrel Appreciation Day
22 national Blonde Brownie Day
23 National Pie Day
23 National Handwriting Day
23 Measure Your Feet Day
24 Beer Can Appreciation Day
24 Compliment Day
25 Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day (on last monday of month)
25 Opposite Day
26 Spouse's Day
27 Chocolate Cake Day
27 Punch the Clock Day
28 Data Privacy Day
28 Fun at Work Day
28 National Kazoo Day
29 National Cornchip Day
30 National Inane Answering Message Day
31 Backward Day
31 Inspire Your Heart with Art Day

Art Stuff I like

I love finding great new art supplies to try out. If there is something you absolutely love to use let me know so that I too can try it out. Here are some items I like:

International Museum Day

Every May 18th we celebrate International Museum Day. In 1977 this day was established by the International Council of Museums.

It's a good day to visit and appreciate your local museum. And don't forget that they probably need your support too. On this day visit your local museum and interact with the museum staff and find out what challenges the museum faces on a day to day basis.

Every year they promote a different theme on this special day. Make sure to learn as much as possible  about your local museum and maybe you can even volunteer to help once in a while.

International museum day - Best Rate Gauranteed.

National Nurses Day

In 1953, Dorothy Sutherland of the US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare sent the proposal to President Eisenhower to proclaim a " Nurse Day". The proclamation of not made officially, however the day gained national recognition.

International Nurse Day is celebrated on Florence Nightingale's birthday on May 12 of each year.

Take some time to recognize the contributions and commitment to quality health care that nurses across the world provide to patients. Spread the word and bring awareness to the importance of nurses in the care and well being that they provide to us when we are ill.

National Nurse Day

Sidewalk Art by it's city it!

Check it out here and remember that even if you can't contribute you can always share on your Facebook, twitter etc.

National Puzzle day is January 29th

Happy National Puzzle Day!

Every January 29th we celebrate National Puzzle Day which is an unofficial holiday.
Libraries, museums and other venues around the country hold puzzle celebrations and events.Whether you enjoy jigsaw puzzles, word search puzzles, Sudoku or puzzle books today is the days to challenge your family and friends and have fun in celebrating this special day.

Here are some fun puzzle websites:
Jigsaw Planet offer online jigsaw puzzles, plus you can also create your own puzzles, send them to family and friends or even put them on your website or blog.

Brainbashers offers a wide range of puzzles and brain bashers.  Some of easy, hard and some are very hard. Visit them and try out a few.

Great items for you or a friends below:

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January 28th is Fun at Work Day!

Every January 28th is a special day, it's Fun at Work Day!
Don't you envy all the people that actually have fun jobs.
Today whether you play a game at lunch time or have an office pot luck, it's the perfect day to do a fun activity at work. (of course make sure to have the okay from your boss, it's always a good idea to get management involved.)
If you simply can't have a fun filled work day then maybe the best thing is to get together with your co-workers after work and go out for a fun filled evening.
Lucky are those who  have fun at work everyday.
Looking for the perfect gift card for your boss, friend, enemy or anyone else. Great glitterbombs available.
Look no further just go to

National Blonde Brownie Day

January 22 is National Blonde Brownie Day
Ohhh so so good...yummy.
National Blonde Brownie Day from

One of my favorite things to add to the already delicious brownie is some warm caramel sauce.
Some people refer to the blonde brownie and a blondie or blondie bar. This dessert is a sweet and rich. Some may also contain walnuts or pecans or in some cases chocolate chips.
Blonde brownies look like chocolate brownies but instead of cocoa they are made with brown sugar.
Of course if you really want the ultimate sweet and rich dessert why not put together a sundae topped with a blondie and some wonderful caramel.
If you want to bake some here are some recipes:

Happy National Hug Day

January 21 is Happy National Hug Day!
So make sure to hug your loved ones today.
National Hug day pic form

Studies have shown that human contact is good for you. Whether it's kissing, hugging or simply touching this is great for our emotional well being.
This special day was started by Reverend Kevin Zaborney in Caro, Michigan in 1986.
Why did he start this day you might ask?
He felt that Americans are less affectionate in public so he chose this day because he felt that especially in the dead of winter when most peoples spirits are already low this would be a perfect time to hug someone.
Hugging is not just a sign of love but it is also a sign of support and encouragement.
So don't be shy and make someone's day special by giving them a big hug.

What to get back at someone that's been mean or nasty? Why not ship them glitter!
Glitter is lovely to look at but you won't be able to get it off for a really long times and it gets into everything. They have the perfect handmade glitter bomb cards. can do that for you. But they can also send your loved ones a confetti filled card to brighten up their day and you can also send them a little bit of glitter.

Ship your Enemies Glitter Shop

In January 2015 as a joke a guy by the name of Mathew Carpenter (twitter @matcapenter) set up a website named and after a couple of posts on social media it went viral. He ended up with over 2000 orders at about $10 per envelope and ended up having to shut down the service after his website crashed. He also posted a comment stating that he had it with glitter and put the website for sale.

People that go to the website and try to order will get a notice stating that they aren't taking any orders currently.

However you can still send your enemies glitter bomb cards by visiting this website: They actually create a glitter bomb card to your specifications and you can actually choose between glitter, confetti or both.
These cards are not just for your enemies because there are people that would actually be thrilled to receive a confetti filled card to celebrate their special day.

So whether you want to piss off someone or brighten up their day head on over to or